Scratch That Itch (Purpose)

Do a Google search for ‘How Do I Find My Life Purpose’ and you will find a slew of articles and videos claiming to help you discover your purpose in 7 minutes… 5 minutes… 3 minutes… and even “less than 5 seconds”. But is there even a such thing or is purpose about something else altogether?

Joining us is Drew Daywalt, author of the children’s book blockbuster, The Day The Crayons Quit. Drew’s journey provides us with lessons and insights into how we can strive and stumble through life to feel that sense of fulfillment, and live a purposeful life.

Episode Guest

Drew Daywalt

Drew Daywalt, is an American filmmaker, best known for his work on horror films; and in the past five years he has been best known an award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling children’s author whose books include The Day the Crayons Quit, The Day the Crayons Came Home, and The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors. Drew loves to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, but most of the time he can’t decide fast enough which one to pick and ends up making some bizarre shape with his hand that looks like a weird octopus with a hat. He’ll claim Weird Octopus with Hat beats everything, but don’t let him pull that nonsense on you.





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