EPISODES | Where There's Smoke - Part 9

The Devil You Know (Procrastination)

Our second season premiere covers a topic that everyone struggles with: Procrastination. Unfortunately for Brett and Nick, life quickly began to imitate art when they found themselves caught in their own web of procrastination to get the episode finished. Continue reading

A New Type of Hustle (Stillness)

For the past couple of years it seems like one of the biggest buzzwords in business and entrepreneurship is “Hustle”. And most of the messaging around hustle is about “go, go, go!” - harder, faster, stronger, more. But what if that’s not the whole story? Continue reading

How to Get a Grip (Control)

Much of life is out of our control. Often we are in situations where our level of control is small, but the impact of not having control is potentially large. And these moments can challenge our character, hamper our forward progress, or just be incredibly frustrating. Continue reading